Community Solar Program

Get Started

Enjoy the Benefits of Community Solar

The Hoboken Community Solar Program is an initiative created by the City of Hoboken, New Jersey, in service of our mission to make Hoboken an environmentally, socially, and economically healthy community. Climate actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are key to the future of our City and can have real, tangible benefits for community members. The Hoboken Community Solar Program has especially exciting benefits for our residents: low-to-moderate income residents of Hoboken who pay their own energy bill will save 25% off their electricity charges by subscribing to the solar project.

  • Your Savings

    Enjoy guaranteed savings of up to 25% on your monthly PSE&G bill. Through Hoboken Housing Authority's partnership with the Hoboken Community Solar Project, you can receive a portion of the solar energy produced as a credit on your bill.

  • Eligibility

    To participate in the Hoboken Community Solar Program you must meet three criteria: live within Hoboken, pay your own energy bill, and be low/moderate income. You can qualify as low/moderate income if you participate in any social programs (Housing Voucher, LIHEAP, SNAP, etc.) or if you fall within the income limits linked here.

  • Environmental Justice

    The City of Hoboken is a national leader in fighting climate change and promoting sustainable development. The Hoboken Community Solar Program takes things a step further, in also pursuing social justice for those that have disproportionately borne the brunt of pollution. This Program will uplift these communities and make sure that those who have been long disadvantaged – socially and financially – are the first to benefit.

  • Community Benefits

    In addition to saving money, subscribing to the Hoboken Community Solar Program will help to increase a special "Community Solar Benefits Fund" which will fund a project for the residents of the Hoboken Housing Authority!

Where The Clean Power Comes From

The energy produced for the Hoboken Community Solar Program is generated by a solar facility located on the rooftop of a warehouse in Elizabeth. No area within Hoboken is suitable for a solar facility of this size, so siting the facility outside of the City enables better land use.

The energy produced there is then sold to PSE&G and distributed across the energy grid, with the lower cost energy being attributed to the Community Solar subscriber (you!).

Community Solar infographic

Hoboken Community Solar Project

The City of Hoboken was selected for Year 2 of the Community Solar Pilot Program with the goal of advancing environmental justice to low- and moderate- income residents within the city. Through its participation the City will provide access to LMI residents who cannot install solar panels on their own roofs to achieve the savings and environmental benefits of solar energy from a remotely sited solar project.

Get Started Learn More

Annual Impact



kWh Generated


Gallons Avoided


Acres of Forest

Project Coverage

If you're located within the shaded area shown here you're able to support clean, local, and more affordable power.

Hoboken Community Solar Map
  • City of Hoboken Residents

Contract Details

Contract Term

Enjoy savings for the life of the program.

Contract Type

25% Discount.

Cancellation Fees

Cancel anytime with 90 days notice.

Cancellation Info

No Fees.

How It Works

When you sign up for the Hoboken Community Solar Project, you will receive credits each month on your NJ PSE&G bill. These credits will go toward offsetting the cost of your bill, allowing you to save money and contribute to a more sustainable future. It's that simple. Here are the three easy steps to make it happen.


Provide Basic Details

Fill out a subscription form with basic details (name, email, etc.) and have a recent electric bill handy. As you continue your registration, you’ll have to enter your PSE&G account number and energy usage information so we can determine the right amount of the solar project to allocate to your bill.


Access Dashboard

Once you’ve subscribed, you will be given access to a personal dashboard where you can see the project's solar energy production, your document library (contract, bills, etc.) and your monthly savings.


See Savings

You will start seeing savings on your electric bill a month or two after you subscribe to the Hoboken Community Solar Project.


Belle Gabel headshot

Belle Gabel

Community Solar Administrator
Kassandra Damblu headshot

Kassandra Damblu

Community Solar Administrator